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Latest Trademark Filings

Bags, namely diaper bags, backpacks, duffel bags, tote bags, gym bags, string bags, beach bags, fann... Curtains; Towels; Baby blankets; Bath towels; Blanket throws; Curtains of textile; Door curtains; Pi... Amplifiers; Loudspeakers; Megaphones; Microphones; Radios; Audio and video receivers; Chronographs f...
Dolls; Action figure toys; Dol... Carpeting; Anti-fatigue floor mats; Area rugs; Bath mats; Beach mats; Door mats; Floor mats; Gymnasi... Energy generation services; Fuel processing; Fuel refining; Fuel treatment services; Generating of e...
Book lights; Candle lamps; Cei... Rental of facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; production of CD music... Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for use in troubleshooting and diagnosing n...
Production and distribution of... liquid filtration and separation equipment, lift assist apparatus, butterfly valves, gear operators,... Building games; Christmas tree ornaments; Dolls' houses; Exercise equipment, namely, inflatable ball...

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