associated with 2 other trademarks
I would like to sale my custom logo, to individuals that support Veterans via-internet and on some clothing with the logo attacted them etc. I'm a dis...

Words that describe this trademark:

my custom logo  custom logo  clothing logo  sale my  support veterans  i sale  logo  veterans  viainternet  individuals 

Serial Number:




Abandoned-Failure to Respond

Status Date:


Filing Date:

Registration Number:


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Goods and Services:

I would like to sale my custom logo, to individuals that support Veterans via-internet and on some clothing with the logo attacted them etc. I'm a disable Veteran and hope that I'm able to have my custom logo for the sale to others via-internet, mail order, and in stores

Mark Description:

The mark consists of Two waves in front of the imcomplete circle that are red and white in colors, red above the white color. One imcomplete circle that is with blue in color, this circle contain six white stars. On the right side of the incomplete circle there are five small stars for a total of one larger, one medium and three small the larger of the five is red, the medium is blue and there are three small stars which two are red and one blue.



Type of Mark:


Published for Opposition Date:


Mark Drawing Status:

Design Only

Abandon Date:


Business Name:


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